Thank you for your Interest in The Art of Presence Program

3-Step Application Process:

STEP 1: 

If you have not watched them, please take some time to watch The Grey Champion videos. 

STEP 2: 

Please download and read The Art of Presence guidebook. (Click on book image below)  It will take you 30 minutes to read, provide you with a ton of details (not talked about in the videos) and answer many of your questions.

The Art of Presence

Program Details:

Receive a free PDF / Kindle copy of The Art of Presence  guidebook when applying for the program.

Reading Time: 30 Minutes

In this short read you'll learn everything you need to know about The Art of Presence Program: Process, Schedule, Exercises, Time Commitment and Investment Costs.

STEP 3: 

Please email me the answers to the following 4 questions…

Question 1: What dreams and aspirations do you have you feel The Art of Presence program could help you realize?

Question 2: Do you have time for this?

The Art of Presence program requires the following time investment:

  • Time: 8 weeks / @5 days per week / @20 minutes each day
  • Task: Watching videos from The 8-Week Fundamentals Course- the online leadership wisdom training program.
  • Time: 8 weeks / Once per week / 60 minute Zoom session
  • Task: Private Zoom call with J. Stewart
  • Time: 2-1/2 days in-person training / coaching / teaching
  • Task: In-person training with J. Stewart at a professional retreat center.
  • Time: 5 day in-person training / coaching / teaching
  • Task: In-person training with J. Stewart at a professional retreat center.

Question 3: Are you ready for this kind of leadership wisdom commitment?

The Art of Presence program requires a significant mental, physical, emotional, and psychological commitment and investment. You will be challenged to grow in most, if not all, of these areas.

Question 4: Are you comfortable with this kind of leadership wisdom investment?

The monetary investment for The Art of Presence full program is as follows:

  • In General: This program is for active, successful, time conscious professionals. The full investment is equivalent to a 2024 Tesla Model S...Read guidebook for complete details.
  • Leg 1: The Eight-Week Fundamentals Course... Investment Details in guidebook.
  • Leg 2: 2-1/2 day in-person retreat...Investment Details in guidebook.
  • Leg 3: 5 day in-person retreat...Investment Details in guidebook.
  • Rates do not include airline to and from, or room and board at professional retreat centers.
  • Pay as you go for each leg of the program. 
Email J. Stewart Dixon with your answers

"Fresh, authentic, moving”–Carolyn

"Unique, sincere, with masterful techniques" –Sheila

"Clear and simple, no BS." –Gary

“Instructive, focused, highly recommend” –Elle

"Insightful, illuminating and inspired" –Bruce

"Mind opening and awe inspiring" –Barbara

"Direct, accelerated, intense, supportive." –Chuck

"Impactful, accessible, deeply resonant" –Tony


"Thanks again for everything you're sharing. It's making a HUGE DIFFERENCE IN MY LIFE and how I'm finally coping with, understanding and reframing my "positive crisis". I really am now able to see a "guiding hand" (if you will) and the necessity of going through all this. I have complete faith and trust that the benefits I am gaining and will gain from this situation FAR OUTWEIGH my current situation. I'm so grateful to you for being a part of this process. Catchya on Wednesday! "   


“I wish everyone in the world would take your course.  I’m looking forward to all the rest that is yet to come. Thank you for your GIFT TO HUMANITY!! Cheers! "                           


"Your approach has all the components that I have personally found most important.  My group members were absolutely BLOWN AWAY BY YOU.  Besides being a good teacher of this stuff, you have a “PRESENCE" that's not staged.  A good mix of things for both the heart-centered and the intellectual…integrity, I think it's called."


“Sitting on the beach, I was thinking of how for the past month I’ve felt the spacious PRESENCE all around me more and more clearly. I’ve been happier and happier. NOTHING BOTHERS ME. As all this unfolded tonight, I came into a state of hyper happiness for the first time ever. I was smiling all the way through. Thank you!"         



“Thank you, J.– for really telling it like it is! You have been a GREAT HELP to me in our private sessions. I have felt that “great stillness” very close by in many of our meetings. Your PRESENCE really does radiate. I invite everyone to take advantage of what you offer. I will certainly continue to!”


“You were so good at advising and knowing exactly what to say. Thank you for that. You were so ATTUNED TO MY NEEDS, hopes and dreams that it brought tears to my eyes."                    


“Often, we need a guide, a way-shower, to point us toward the truth. J. Stewart Dixon, is that GUIDE, an outspoken witness to PRESENCE. I highly recommend his class to those who intuit that there is more…”                   


“J. facilitates a clearer view of the possibility of living connected to source felt as an everyday, moment-by-moment bodily PRESENCE. Feeling this deep connection has been LIFE ALTERING for me while paradoxically as common as grass…available to anyone willing to take a closer look within.”